introduction Bonsai sculpture
Introduction Bonsai sculpture

We see residual forms and shells of objects that are no longer there.

They are lively structures. They have grown in and around the object.

They have been limited in their growth and forced into a form.

Forced to change form.

The result is a transformation or metamorphosis.

This transformation can be understood as a shift in the fundamental nature of being.

The remaining form represents the underlying essence which remains despite the changes.

an intoduction of the Bonsai sculpture by Tanya Vogelzang
introduction Bonsai sculpture
Introduction Bonsai sculpture

We see residual forms and shells of objects that are no longer there.

They are lively structures. They have grown in and around the object.

They have been limited in their growth and forced into a form.

Forced to change form.

The result is a transformation or metamorphosis.

This transformation can be understood as a shift in the fundamental nature of being.

The remaining form represents the underlying essence which remains despite the changes.